Descripción del producto

Heat Treated Fiberglass Sleeving (HT) is constructed from tightly woven, continuous filament E glass braid engineered for high-temperature applications. The heat treatment process eliminates organic contaminants and sets the glass braid to resist end-fraying. This flexible sleeving withstands temperatures up to 650°C, making it suitable for low-voltage applications in small heating appliances including toasters, coffee makers, irons, and carbon brushes. HT sleeving is available in standard and heavy wall configurations to meet specific insulation requirements.

Thermal Class “C”: 240C
Moisture Resistant
Fungus Resistant
Resistente a productos químicos
Resistente a los hongos bajo pedido
Resistente a los rayos UV bajo pedido

Product Information

Especificaciones y calificaciones de agencias
Tamaños estándar y tolerancias dimensionales
Dielectric Grade
Opciones de personalización
Normas de almacenamiento
Embalaje estándar

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